We were awarded the Prix Courage 2020 by the Observer for our courage to talk about it, to educate it. The reader and jury votes were clear, they told us. We owe that to you too.
We look back 4 years, in the anger, in the bewilderment and the indescribable willpower to change something legally, and we are well on the way to it. Only the legal commission of the Council of States is still pending🤞
Our work with young people, our workshops, school lectures, TV and media reports, our public relations work against cyberbullying, it became our heart project. Nobody can represent that better than us than # ihrseidcélinesvoice
The time has come and it is now. The parents of Céline, Nadya & Candid Pfister found their own association called celinesvoice.ch and the founding date should be her 18th birthday, December 3rd, 2021 🖤🦋🖤
Our sincere thanks go to everyone who has always supported us up to now. Even those who made empty promises to us, we were naive and grew out of it. Thank you to those who have encouraged us again and again that we can do it 'on our own'.
And if we look at the date when we parted with dazzlers, then that can only be a # signsofanangel🦋 .. we firmly believe in it, my angel ..
#célinesvoice #justiceforcéline #ihrseidcélinesvoice #C280817 #prixcourage2020 #beobachter #hatespeech #stophatespeech #mobbing #cybermobbing #stopmobbing #stopcybermobbing #cybermobbinggesetz #cybercrime #schweiz #jugend #zukunft